Super Mario RPG Data Bytes By giangurgolo Reformatted by hippiejake ======================================== This document is searchable; Press Ctrl+F and type [category] to jump to that category. ToC: [ATTACKS] [BACKGROUNDS] [SCRIPT] [EVENTS] [INVENTORY] [MONSTERS] [MUSIC] [EVENTSOUND] [BATTLESOUND] [SPELLS] [MAP] [MAPPOINT] [MAPAREA] [DOCCREDITS] ===================================== [ATTACKS] [Byte] Attack [00] ___stationary attack [01] ___normal attack [02] ___high jump attack [03] ___normal attack [04] ___same as #$01 [05] ___after-images [06] ___spin attack [07] ___don't move [08] ___dive underground [09] ___shoulder charge [0A] ___levitate attack [0B] ___high jump attack [0C] ___teleport attack [0D] ___short jump attack [0E] ___Croco charge [0F] ___similar to #$09 [10] ___small spike shot [11] Thornet [12] ___large spike shot [13] Funguspike [14] ___knife throw [15] ___shuriken throw [16] Full House [17] Wild Card [18] Royal Flush [19] ___bomb throw [1A] Spritz Bomb [1B] ___black rock throw [1C] ___black rock throw, approach [1D] ___bullet bill shot [1E] Blazer [1F] ___Raspberry orb blast [20] ___Smithy's finger shot [21] Echofinder [22] S'crow Bell [23] Doom Reverb [24] Spore Chimes [25] Ink Blast [26] Gunk Ball [27] Endobubble [28] DUMMY (water drop) [29] Sleep-Sauce [2A] Venom Drool [2B] Mush Funk [2C] S'crow Funk [2D] Stench [2E] ___throw hammer [2F] ___throw hammer, 'Fear' [30] Viro Plasm [31] Psycho Plasm [32] ___light ball, 'Mute' [33] ___light ball, 'Sleep' [34] Pollen Nap [35] S'crow Dust [36] Sporocyst [37] Toxicyst [38] ___throw bone, approach [39] ___throw bone [3A] Lulla-Bye [3B] Elegy [3C] Backfire [3D] Va Va Voom [3E] Fun'n'Run [3F] Body Slam [40] Howl [41] Scream [42] Iron Maiden [43] Fangs [44] Poison [45] Carni-Kiss [46] Claw [47] Grinder [48] Dark Claw [49] Scythe [4A] Sickle [4B] Deathsickle [4C] Eerie Jig [4D] Somnus Waltz [4E] Dahlia Dance [4F] Skewer [50] Pierce [51] ___Smithy Tank Head bullet [52] Magnum [53] Psyche! [54] Migraine [55] ___Bob-omb self-destruct [56] ___Microbomb self-destruct [57] Multistrike [58] Flutter Hush [59] ___Geno Clone attack [5A] ___Mario Clone attack [5B] ___Toadstool 2 sleep attack [5C] Fear Roulette [5D] ___Smithy Form 1 hammer attack [5E] ___similar to #$00 [5F] ___Smithy Body hammer attack [60] Hammer Time [61] Valor Up [62] DUMMY (Terrapin attack) [63] Last Shot! [64] DUMMY (Bowser claw strike) [65] DUMMY (Bowser spike shot) [66] DUMMY (Bowyer 'Button Lock' A) [67] DUMMY (Bowyer 'Button Lock' Y) [68] DUMMY (Bowyer 'Button Lock' X) [69] DUMMY (Bowyer arrow shot) [6A] G'night [6B] DUMMY (Shyguy slingshot) [6C] DUMMY (Heavy Troopa launch) [6D] Chomp [6E] Get Tough! [6F] DUMMY (Mukumuku attack) [70] Missed me! [71] DUMMY (Mukumuku attack) [72] Loco Express [73] DUMMY (3-egg shot) [74] DUMMY (1-egg shot, ricochet) [75] DUMMY (self-destruct, slow) [76] DUMMY (Eggbert self-destruct) [77] Jinxed [78] Triple Kick [79] Quicksilver [7A] Bombs Away [7B] Vigor up! [7C] DUMMY (Intro Goomba attack) [7D] Silver Bullet [7E] Terrapunch [7F] S'crow Fangs [80] Shaker =============================================== Battlefield [BACKGROUNDS] unused battlefields are prefixed by ___ [Byte] Background [00] Forest Maze [01] Forest Maze: Bowyer's Pad [02] Bean Valley: Beanstalks [03] Sunken Ship: King Calamari's Cellar [04] Sunken Ship [05] Moleville Mines [06] ___mines [07] Bowser's Keep [08] Barrel Volcan: Czar Dragon's Pad [09] Grasslands [0A] Mountains [0B] Mushroom Kingdom House [0C] Booster Tower [0D] Mushroom Kingdom Castle [0E] Kero Sewers: Underwater [0F] Mushroom Kingdom Castle [10] Bowser's Keep Turret: Exor [11] Booster Tower: Balcony [12] Smithy Factory: Count Down's Pad [13] Smithy Factory [14] Barrel Volcano [15] Kero Sewers [16] Nimbus Castle [17] Nimbus Castle: Birdo's Room [18] Nimbus Land [19] Underground [1A] ___uses Mushroom Kingdom tiles [1B] ___forested area with unique trees [1C] Mushroom Kingdom [1D] Bowser's Keep: Chandeliers [1E] Forest Maze: Path to Bowyer [1F] Level Up foreground [20] Level Up background [21] Grasslands [22] ___sea enclave [23] Marrymore Chapel Sanctuary [24] Star Hill [25] Seaside Town Beach [26] Sea [27] Blade: Axem Rangers [28] Smithy Factory: Domino & Cloaker's Pad [29] Bean Valley: Grasslands [2A] Belome Temple [2B] Land's End Desert [2C] Factory Grounds: Smithy's Pad [2D] Smithy's Final Form [2E] Jinx's Dojo [2F] Culex [30] Factory Grounds [31] Bean Valley: Pipe Room 150000-15FFFF Battlefield Tilemaps 39B644-39B843 Battlefield Layouts ================================================ Battle [SCRIPT] Offset [Byte] Text 396754 [00] Suffering from shock!} 39676C [01] CROCO: Yeouch!} 39677C [02] MALLOW: Gimme back my coin}{ or I'll belt ya again!} 3967B1 [03] MALLOW: All right!}{ We got it back!} 3967D7 [04] CROCO: Oooouch!!!}{ I'm gonna pay ya back in spades, kid!} 396812 [05] Go on! }{ Take back your grubby old coin!} 39683D [06] Adios amigos!} 39684D [07] BOWSER: What was that sound?} 39686B [08] N...n...NO!!!} 39687B [09] It's a chain reaction!!}{ Hang on, Kinklink!!} 3968AB [0A] Eyaaaaa!!} 3968B7 [0B] BOWSER: Coming, Mario?} 3968CF [0C] This is IT!}{ I'm gonna take you out, Mario!} 3968FE [0D] BOWSER: Fungah! Foiled again!} 39691D [0E] TOADSTOOL: Mario! The chain!}{ Aim for the chain!} 396950 [0F] TOADSTOOL: Fight, Mario!}{ FIGHT!!!} 396975 [10] BOWSER: This should FINISH you!} 396996 [11] TOADSTOOL: Oh, Mario!}{ You had me so worried.}{ Let's get out of here!} 3969DF [12] TOADSTOOL: Shriek!! Mario!! }{ I'm going to fall!} 396A11 [13] BOWSER: Mwa ha! Did you think}{ I was just gonna GIVE her to ya?} 396A53 [14] You're ALWAYS in my way!} 396A6E [15] BELOME: Ooooh!}{ Room service has been kind to me!}{ Where's my bib?} 396AB4 [16] BELOME: Stick for a body,}{ head full of straw, give me}{ a scarecrow, rah, rah, RAH!} 396B0B [17] BELOME: If you defeat me,}{ you STILL won't beat me!}{ Beware the flood!} 396B56 [18] TOADSTOOL: Don't let Bowser}{ bruise you, Mario!} 396B88 [19] BOWSER: Mario! Prepare yourself}{ for the great beyond!} 396BC1 [1A] BOWSER: What a joke!!}{ Put some muscle into it!} 396BF3 [1B] BOWYER: Nya?!}{ And who might you be?} 396C1A [1C] ???: I serve...a higher authority...} 396C40 [1D] That Star Piece belongs to everyone.}{ You can't keep it.} 396C7C [1E] BOWYER: Nya! NYA!}{ Angry I am!} 396C9D [1F] Nya!}{ A lesson I will teach you!} 396CC1 [20] ???: Hey! Chill out!} 396CD7 [21] MALLOW: Mario!}{ It's dangerous out there!} 396D03 [22] You're gonna help, huh?}{ Whack that weirdo...}{ Save the guy in blue...} 396D4E [23] Me too!}{ I will do what I can!} 396D70 [24] But...from over here!} 396D88 [25] Mario... wait!} 396D99 [26] I'm NOT afraid.}{ And I'm NOT gonna cry!} 396DC4 [27] Yeouch!} 396DCE [28] ???: Stop it! That's enough.} 396DEC [29] BOWYER: Gunya! Nya!!!} 396E03 [2A] Strong you are.}{ But stronger am I!}{ Hurt you, I will!} 396E3E [2B] So long, nya!!}{ Part, now, we must!} 396E65 [2C] Nya nya NYA!!} 396E75 [2D] ???: Thanks for the help!}{ But... who are you?} 396EA6 [2E] MALLOW: Mario! You just...}{ DITCHED me back there!} 396EDB [2F] Huh? Don't I know you?}{ You look... familiar!} 396F0C [30] ???: So! You're THE Mario!}{ WE know about you!} 396F3D [31] BOWYER: Knock knock! Nya!}{ Insulted, I am!} 396F6A [32] BOWYER: NYAAA!!}{ Now 3 against one!}{ Nyat FAIR!}{ Fix it, I will, nya!}{ Shoot an arrow, I shall.}{ When a target it hits,}{ that Button... LOCKED!} 397001 [33] BELOME: C...can't s...stand it!}{ The hunger...the HUNGER!} 39703D [34] That was SCARY!} 39704F [35] It's 1:00.Time to play.} 397069 [36] It's 3:00. Time to RECOVER!} 397087 [37] It's 5:00.Time for a break, huh?} 3970AA [38] It's 6:00. Time to FULLY RECOVER.} 3970CE [39] It's 7:00. DINNER TIME.} 3970E8 [3A] It's 9:00. Guess I'll break.} 397107 [3B] It's 10:00. Time to garden.} 397125 [3C] It's 12:00. It's high noon.} 397143 [3D] CROCO: You want them back?}{ You've got to take me down first!} 397183 [3E] CROCO: Yeouch! Enough already!}{ Here's your junk.}{ I'm outta here!} 3971C9 [3F] KNIFE GUY: Wait!}{ You took all the trouble to}{ come here, so...stick around!} 397219 [40] KNIFE GUY: Come on, brother!}{ Let's thrash 'em!} 39724B [41] KNIFE GUY & GRATE GUY: Yikes!}{ They're pretty tough!} 397282 [42] GRATE GUY: Whoopdy do!} 39729A [43] BOOSTER: Did the cake just move?} 3972BC [44] BOOSTER: H...huh?!!}{ That MUST be Mario!}{ Let's make sure.}{ You! Check it out!} 39730F [45] BOOSTER: Harumph!}{ Just as I thought!}{ It IS Mario.}{ Let's...wind him up!} 39735D [46] PUNCHINELLO: Good day.}{ The name's Nello...PUNCHINELLO!} 39735D [47] PUNCHINELLO: Good day.}{ The name's Nello...PUNCHINELLO!} 397397 [48] PUNCHINELLO: They say I'm a hot head,}{ but I'll show them!}{ You...YOU will make me famous!}{ So long!} 397400 [49] PUNCHINELLO: Not bad. Not bad!}{ Now let's up the ante!} 397439 [4A] PUNCHINELLO: Grrrrr...}{ All right!}{ It's CLOBBERING TIME!} 397476 [4B] PUNCHINELLO: Arghhh!!} 39748D [4C] PUNCHINELLO: Simmer down, fluffy!}{ I'm not gonna waste this on YOU.}{ Who knows what might happen!} 3974F2 [4D] PUNCHINELLO: Enough!}{ I've got my pride.}{ Now you're in for it!} 397535 [4E] Huh? What the hay?} 39754A [4F] Why isn't it working?} 397562 [50] Argh!! }} 39756C [51] MALLOW: Punchinello...?}{ Never heard of ya.} 39759A [52] MALLOW: I think he's bluffing.} 3975BA [53] GENO: Take your best shot!} 3975D6 [54] PUNCHINELLO: I must be dreaming!}{ I'm ruined!}{ I didn't want to do this,}{ but now, I have NO CHOICE!!} 397640 [55] MALLOW: Mario!!!}{ If this thing explodes,}{ we're history!!} 39767E [56] GENO: This is a fine mess!} 39769A [57] MALLOW: Let's scram! NOW!} 3976B5 [58] Owww!} 3976BD [59] GENO: It's gonna blow!!} 3976D6 [5A] MALLOW: NO!!} 3976E4 [5B] JOHNNY: Fuwa ha ha...}{ Not bad, fellas.} 39770E [5C] How about it, Mario?}{ Mario versus me!}{ Wanna mix it up?} 39774B [5D] Good fun!}{ And good for you, too!} 397770 [5E] All right.}{ Here comes my backup!} 397795 [5F] Poke, poke, poke!} 3977A9 [60] TORTE: Ouch! OUCH!} 3977BD [61] Vat are you doing?!} 3977D3 [62] APPRENTICE: Chef Torte!}{ The cake's MOVING!} 397801 [63] TORTE: Vas?! Ist NOT moving!}{ Back to verk!} 39782F [64] APPRENTICE: I KNOW it was moving!} 397852 [65] TORTE: Now vat?} 397863 [66] TORTE: Talk no more of zees!} 397881 [67] APPRENTICE: No! Really, truly.}{ Why would I lie?} 3978B4 [68] TORTE: Because you are...IDIOT!} 3978D5 [69] Zee! It IS NOT moving!} 3978EE [6A] Huh?!} 3978F6 [6B] TORTE: Zee cake's alive! RUN!!} 397916 [6C] APPRENTICE: See? I was RIGHT!} 397935 [6D] SNIFIT 1: Maybe we ought to wait.} 397958 [6E] SNIFIT 2: This is Booster's}{ wedding cake!} 397985 [6F] SNIFIT 3: He'll have a fit}{ if we nibble on it!} 3979B7 [70] BOOSTER: Hey, No.1!}{ Where's my cake?!} 3979E0 [71] SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir!}{ There's a 70% chance the object}{ you're standing on is a cake.} 397A3B [72] BOOSTER: ++++?}{ THIS thing's a cake?} 397A62 [73] Okay, everyone!!}{ Here's the stumper.}{ How do we eat this?}{ I SAY we boil it!}{ No.2, what do you say?} 397ACE [74] SNIFIT 2: Way too messy!}{ Why don't you just swallow it?!} 397B0A [75] BOOSTER: WHAT?! In one GULP?}{ That's easier said than done!} 397B48 [76] SNIFIT 3: Come, Booster!}{ You can do it!}{ Open wide, please!} 397B88 [77] BOOSTER: My nerves are shot.}{ I feel like I've forgotten to tie}{ my cord before a bungee jump!} 397BEA [78] SNIFIT: Here it comes!} 397C02 [79] BOOSTER: WAIT! WAIT!} 397C18 [7A] SNIFIT: Concentrate, Sir!} 397C33 [7B] BOOSTER: This doesn't feel right.} 397C56 [7C] BOOSTER: Mmmmmm...}{ Delicious!}{ It's so good it makes me want to cry!} 397C9F [7D] SNIFIT: Congratulations, Sir.}{ The wedding is now officially over!!} 397CE5 [7E] BOOSTER: Thanks, everyone.} 397D01 [7F] BOOSTER: It's a wrap. Let's go.} 397D22 [80] Zapped!} 397D2C [81] Bowser's mood has affected}{ the monster!}{ The monster's confused!!} 397D73 [82] Bowser's scaring the monster!} 397D93 [83] Croco's dousing a tail fire...} 397DB4 [84] Mack's stunned!!} 397DC7 [85] Mirage attack!} 397DD8 [86] Multiplier!} 397DE6 [87] Stop it!} 397DF1 [88] Stop! Stop!!} 397E00 [89] Blow those candles out!} 397E1A [8A] First, push "A#.} 397E39 [8B] Push "A# again to attack!} 397E5C [8C] Wait a second!} 397E7A [8D] Hit "A# again, here. 397E9B [8E] Good timing!} 397EB8 [8F] When successful, your attack}{ changes and damage increases.} 397F01 [90] Hit "A# prior to attack, too! 397F25 [91] Good timing!} 397F42 [92] This can help you decrease}{ the amount of damage done to you.}{ It won't always work, though.} 397FB0 [93] Now, try a "Special# strike!} 397FD5 [94] Push "Y# here! 397FF2 [95] Your attack will be more powerful!} 398019 [96] Learn Special Skills}{ as you gain experience.}{ They're on the menu!} 39807E [97] Read about 'em, okay?} 39809F [98] The Forkies are enraptured!} 3980BD [99] The Forkies have come}{ to their senses!} 3980E8 [9A] VALENTINA: Dodo! DODO!}{ Come here this minute!} 3980E8 [9B] VALENTINA: Dodo! DODO!}{ Come here this minute!} 398119 [9C] VALENTINA: Dodo?!}{ How could you lose already?}{ Well, come on!}{ Get over here!} 39816C [9D] VALENTINA: I don't believe this!} 39818E [9E] The show's over, folks!}{ Dodo...! Let's get outta here!!} 3981CA [9F] Don't just sit there. HELP ME!} 3981EB [A0] Well, everyone...}{ Until we meet again!} 398216 [A1] Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha...} 39822F [A2] SHY AWAY: La dee dah:%} 398247 [A3] Hi ho, dee dum:%} 39825A [A4] There there, my pretties!} 398276 [A5] It's shower time:%} 39828B [A6] It's recycled water!} 3982A2 [A7] I added some nutrients:%} 3982BD [A8] Ack! Sour!} 3982CA [A9] Mmm, tastes peachy...} 3982E2 [AA] Yuck! How repulsive!} 3982F9 [AB] Bitter, but not bad...} 398312 [AC] YES! THIS is YUMMY:} 398328 [AD] You all LOOK delicious!}{ But how do you TASTE?} 39835A [AE] There we are!} 39836A [AF] BELOME: I never forget a taste!}{ In fact, I can clone someone}{ after just one slurp. Watch!} 3983C9 [B0] BELOME: Oh, no, not again!}{ I'm STARVING!}{ Time to go home for dinner.}{ Goodbye, boys and girls!} 39842E [B1] AXEM RED: }{ This Star Piece gives people hope!}{ It needs to be destroyed!} 39847B [B2] AXEM RED: Enough!!}{ Now I'm angry!}{ Time to finish this!}{ Formation...HO!!} 3984CA [B3] Here we GO!} 3984D8 [B4] Force Beam energized!}{ Maximum charge!} 398502 [B5] NOW! Fire the BREAKER!!} 39851C [B6] AXEM RED: What?} 39852D [B7] AXEM RED: Then change brands!} 39854C [B8] AXEM RED: Serves ya right!} 398568 [B9] AXEM RED: Chew on your tongue!} 398588 [BA] AXEM RED:}{ You're totally out of shape!} 3985B2 [BB] AXEM RED: SHUT UP, all of you!}{ We've got a job to do!} 3985EB [BC] Yo, RED!!} 3985F7 [BD] AXEM PINK: My make-up's running!!} 39861A [BE] AXEM BLACK: I broke my shades!} 39863A [BF] AXEM YELLOW: I'm... hungry!!} 398658 [C0] AXEM GREEN: I've got a headache.} 39867A [C1] AXEM RED: Ooh, my head is spinning!} 39869F [C2] AXEM RED: We fight for evil!} 3986BD [C3] AXEM BLACK: We live for disorder!} 3986E0 [C4] AXEM GREEN: We like what we do!} 398701 [C5] AXEM PINK: We struggle for chaos!} 398724 [C6] AXEM YELLOW: We are...} 39873C [C7] ...the AXEM RANGERS!!} 398754 [C8] AXEM RED: This isn't possible!}{ We are...invincible!} 39878B [C9] AXEM PINK: Can this be happening}{ to the AXEM RANGERS?} 3987C4 [CA] Uwaaaaaah!!! } 3987D3 [CB] JINX: Phew! Simply...AMAZING!} 3987F2 [CC] Yikes! You're tough!} 398809 [CD] BIRDO: Hello$!}{ I'm Birdo.} 398826 [CE] BIRDO: Tee, hee!}{ Ouch, you're hurting me!}{ Now it's my turn!}{ Get it while it's hot!} 398880 [CF] BIRDO: Oh, I'm never gonna let ya go.}{ You're just too...CUTE!} 3988C1 [D0] The monster is stunned!} 3988DB [D1] CAUTION: Confused monster!} 3988F8 [D2] Heavy Troopa's ready to launch.} 39891A [D3] Jawful's sleeping.} 39892F [D4] Jawful's awake now!} 398945 [D5] The monster's getting furious!} 398966 [D6] MOKUKA: Duh, huh huh...} 39897F [D7] CULEX: I am matter...}{ I am antimatter...}{ I can see your past...}{ I can see your future...}{ I consume time...}{ And I will consume you!} 398A0D [D8] Monsters are inside!} 398A24 [D9] Magikoopa's hiding!} 398A3A [DA] The EYE is protecting Exor!!} 398A59 [DB] Exor's protection's gone!!} 398A76 [DC] Time is marching on!} 398A8D [DD] The watch is broken!} 398AA4 [DE] Recharging!!} 398AB3 [DF] Guooooooo!}{ My b...body and head are burning!}{ It's not...possible...!}{ I don't believe it...!}{ I'm...finished...done for...!}{ Guooooooooo...noooooo...!} 398B53 [E0] Guooooo! C...can't move...!} 398B70 [E1] Mwa ha! I am burning with power!} 398B92 [E2] BOOMER: Argh!}{ This is absurd!}{ I CAN'T be defeated by THEM!}{ I won't let this happen!}{ I won't fall in battle...} 398C09 [E3] I don't need your sympathy!}{ I am a soldier...}{ I am prepared to...go...} 398C56 [E4] CHANDELI-HO: Boomer!}{ Oh, poor Boomer!}{ But not to worry!}{ A little fall isn't gonna hurt you!} 398CB9 [E5] CHANDELI-HO: All right, Mario!}{ I'll lead you to the top!}{ We must hurry to the appointed place!} 398D1D [E6] CLOAKER: Mwee hee hee!}{ Behold! They've taken the bait!} 398D57 [E7] DOMINO: Hee hee hee!}{ I guess I can spare a few minutes!}{ Maybe they'd like!} 398DB1 [E8] CLOAKER: This is tougher than}{ I thought!}{ I don't like where this is going...} 398E03 [E9] DOMINO: Phew! What weaklings!}{ How shameful if they were to}{ defeat me!} 398E4E [EA] CLOAKER: Put your dukes up!} 398E6B [EB] DOMINO: It's clobbering time!} 398E8A [EC] Gasp...cough...hack...}{ H...having an attack...gasp...} 398EC4 [ED] CHANDELI-HO: Yeoouuch!!} 398EDD [EE] See ya later, kids!} 398EF3 [EF] Hang on tight!}{ And away we go!} 398F16 [F0] CHANDELI-HO: Increasing speed...!} 398F39 [F1] CHANDELI-HO:}{ Next stop, the top floor!}{ Please fasten your seatbelts and...}{ Wait a sec! There ARE no seatbelts!} 398FAF [F2] Take a dive, Chandeli-ho!} 398FCB [F3] SMITHY: NOOOOOOOOOOOO...!!!} 398FE8 [F4] AERO: Calm down, Smithy!}{ Your head looks like a geyser!!} 399024 [F5] DRILL BIT: Don't get so worked up!}{ Think of your blood pressure!} 399068 [F6] SHYSTER:}{ We just built this yesterday,}{ and the foundation's very weak.}{ So...STOP SHAKING THE FLOOR!} 3990D3 [F7] SMITHY: How utterly annoying!} 3990F2 [F8] Huh?!}{ What the...?!}{ How in the heck...?!} 399121 [F9] SMITHY: You kids should be ashamed}{ of yourselves for making me}{ so upset!} 39916F [FA] SMITHY:}{ Uwoooooooo...}{ I'm burning...seething...}{ Never have I been so wronged...}{ It is time...}{ I will show you my real form...}{ I will show you my true power...}{ I will teach you respect...}{ And I shall have my revenge...} 39925A [FB] Guooooooo!!!!!}{ Come on, you puny ants!} 399285 [FC] The monster is mute!} 39929C [FD] Monster's FP is gone!} 3992B4 [FE] Error message} 3992C4 [FF] Go, World!} ====================================================== Battle [EVENTS] [Byte] Event [00] Mallow belts Croco, gets back frog coin [01] Kinklink flashes, loses grip and Bowser falls [02] Belome swallows Mallow [03] ___four Aeros [04] Mack jumps out of battle off screen [05] Mack returns to battle [06] Belome spits out Mallow [07] ___dialogue from Countdown, Toadstool puts on a show [08] ___more dialogue from Countdown, Toadstool act [09] Punchinello interludes and prepares to summon Bob-ombs [0A] Punchinello interludes and prepares to summon Mezzo Bombs [0B] Punchinello summons King Bomb which then explodes [0C] ___dialogue from Booster fight [0D] ___ [0E] INTRO SCENE: Punchinello fight [0F] Croco steals items: "You want them back?" [10] Croco returns items: "Enough! Here's your junk..." [11] INTRO SCENE: Knife Guy & Grate Guy fight [12] Knife Guy & Grate Guy pair up piggy-back [13] Knife Guy & Grate Guy separate: "Yikes! They're pretty tough" [14] Mario and party run off of balcony after Knife Guy & Grate Guy fight [15] Johnny challenges Mario to a one-on-one [16] Yaridovich 'Mirage Attack' [17] Yaridovich mirage is destroyed, return to single form [18] Machine Made Yaridovich 'Multiplier' [19] Drill Bit [1A] INTRO SCENE: Tentacles rise from holes [1B] beat Tentacles, move on to next [1C] beat Tentacles, move on to King Calamari [1D] jump down King Calamari's cellar hole [1E] jump up King Calamari's cellar hole [1F] Bundt moves, Assistant pokes Torte [20] Bundt moves again, both cooks run away [21] candles appear on Bundt [22] "Blow those candles out!" [23] Raspberry is beaten, Snifits & Booster run in and eat cake [24] Tentacles throw character off screen [25] GAME INTRO: Mario hammers Sky Troopa [26] GAME INTRO: Mario stomps Goomba [27] GAME INTRO: Mallow uses Thunderbolt [28] GAME INTRO: Geno attacks [29] GAME INTRO: Geno uses Geno Beam [2A] Bb-bombs explode [2B] Toad's battle mechanics tutorial [2C] Czar Dragon dies [2D] Zombone dies [2E] Czar Dragon summons Helios [2F] ___ [30] Valentina summons Dodo, Dodo carries off middle character [31] Dodo flutters and leaves battle [32] Dodo returns to Valentina's formation [33] Valentina & Dodo are beaten [34] INTRO SCENE: Domino & Cloaker's introduction [35] Domino teams up with Mad Adder [36] Cloaker teams up with Earthlink [37] Shy Away waters Smilax: part 1 [38] Shy Away waters Smilax: part 2 [39] Shy Away waters Smilax: part 3 [3A] Thrax is there [3B] Belome confronts a character: "You all LOOK delicious..." [3C] Belome clones someone [3D] only Mario is there [3E] Axem Rangers intro scene [3F] Axem Pink quits [40] Axem Black quits [41] Axem Yellow quits [42] Axem Green quits [43] Axem Rangers group formation [44] Axem Red quits [45] Axem Rangers are defeated [46] ___ [47] Jinx uses Triple Kick [48] Jinx uses Quicksilver [49] Jinx uses Bombs Away [4A] Culex summons crystals [4B] Formless changes into Mokura [4C] Boomer is defeated, chandelier crashing scene [4D] ___screen flashes white [4E] Dodo flutters and exits battle [4F] Magikoopa summons monster [50] no one there [51] Exor is defeated, cries and opens mouth [52] Smithy (1st Form) is beaten, ground shakes etc. [53] ___screen flashes white [54] ___screen flashes white [55] ___Fear Roulette [56] Smelter pours molten liquid, Smithy welds [57] Smithy transforms into Tank Head [58] Smithy transforms into Magic Head [59] Smithy transforms into Chest Head [5A] Smithy transforms into Box Head [5B] Smithy's head fades before transforming into other head [5C] Shelly breaks, Birdo appears [5D] beam of light forms around Smithy head before body appears [5E] Punchinello's bombs explode if still alive [5F] bombs explode [60] ___nothing [61] Smithy waits before transforming head [62] Smithy is defeated [63] ___ [64] Earthlink/Mad Adder collapses and dies [65] ___Magikoopa is there ====================================================== [INVENTORY] [Byte] Item [00] Weapon [01] Armor [02] Accessory [03] Space [04] Space [05] Hammer [06] FroggieStick [07] NokNok Shell [08] Punch Glove [09] Finger Shot [0A] Cymbals [0B] Chomp [0C] Masher [0D] Chomp Shell [0E] Super Hammer [0F] Hand Gun [10] Whomp Glove [11] Slap Glove [12] Troopa Shell [13] Parasol [14] Hurly Gloves [15] Double Punch [16] Ribbit Stick [17] Spiked Link [18] Mega Glove [19] War Fan [1A] Hand Cannon [1B] Sticky Glove [1C] Ultra Hammer [1D] Super Slap [1E] Drill Claw [1F] Star Gun [20] Sonic Cymbal [21] Lazy Shell [22] Frying Pan [23] Hammer [24] Spare [25] Shirt [26] Pants [27] Thick Shirt [28] Thick Pants [29] Mega Shirt [2A] Mega Pants [2B] Work Pants [2C] Mega Cape [2D] Happy Shirt [2E] Happy Pants [2F] Happy Cape [30] Happy Shell [31] Polka Dress [32] Sailor Shirt [33] Sailor Pants [34] Sailor Cape [35] NauticaDress [36] CourageShell [37] Fuzzy Shirt [38] Fuzzy Pants [39] Fuzzy Cape [3A] Fuzzy Dress [3B] Fire Shirt [3C] Fire Pants [3D] Fire Cape [3E] Fire Shell [3F] Fire Dress [40] Hero Shirt [41] Prince Pants [42] Star Cape [43] Heal Shell [44] Royal Dress [45] Super Suit [46] Lazy Shell [47] Spare [48] Spare [49] Spare [4A] Zoom Shoes [4B] Safety Badge [4C] Jump Shoes [4D] Safety Ring [4E] Amulet [4F] Scrooge Ring [50] Exp. Booster [51] Attack Scarf [52] Rare Scarf [53] B'tub Ring [54] Antidote Pin [55] Wake Up Pin [56] Fearless Pin [57] Trueform Pin [58] Coin Trick [59] Ghost Medal [5A] Jinx Belt [5B] Feather [5C] Troopa Pin [5D] Signal Ring [5E] Quartz Charm [5F] Spare [60] Mushroom [61] Mid Mushroom [62] Max Mushroom [63] Honey Syrup [64] Maple Syrup [65] Royal Syrup [66] Pick Me Up [67] Able Juice [68] Bracer [69] Energizer [6A] Yoshi-Ade [6B] Red Essence [6C] KerokeroCola [6D] Yoshi Cookie [6E] Pure Water [6F] Sleepy Bomb [70] Bad Mushroom [71] Fire Bomb [72] Ice Bomb [73] Flower Tab [74] Flower Jar [75] Flower Box [76] Yoshi Candy [77] FroggieDrink [78] Muku Cookie [79] Elixir [7A] Megalixir [7B] See Ya [7C] Temple Key [7D] Goodie Bag [7E] EarlierTimes [7F] Freshen Up [80] RareFrogCoin [81] Wallet [82] Cricket Pie [83] Rock Candy [84] Castle Key 1 [85] Debug Bomb [86] Castle Key 2 [87] Bambino Bomb [88] Sheep Attack [89] Carbo Cookie [8A] Shiny Stone [8B] DUMMY [8C] Room Key [8D] Elder Key [8E] Shed Key [8F] Lamb's Lure [90] Fright Bomb [91] Mystery Egg [92] Beetle Box [93] Beetle Box [94] Lucky Jewel [95] DUMMY [96] Soprano Card [97] Alto Card [98] Tenor Card [99] Crystalline [9A] Power Blast [9B] Wilt Shroom [9C] Rotten Mush [9D] Moldy Mush [9E] Seed [9F] Fertilizer [A0] Waste Basket [A1] Big Boo Flag [A2] DryBonesFlag [A3] Greaper Flag [A4] Secret Game [A5] S.Crow Bomb [A6] Cricket Jam [A7] Bane Bomb [A8] Doom Bomb [A9] Fear Bomb [AA] Sleep Bomb [AB] Mute Bomb [AC] Fireworks [AD] Bomb [AE] Bright Card [AF] Mushroom [B0] Star Egg ============================================== [MONSTERS] [Byte] Monster [00] Terrapin [01] Spikey [02] Sky Troopa [03] Mad Mallet [04] Shaman [05] Crook [06] Goomba [07] Piranha Plant [08] Amanita [09] Goby [0A] Bloober [0B] Bandana Red [0C] Lakitu [0D] Birdy [0E] Pinwheel [0F] Rat Funk [10] K-9 [11] Magmite [12] The Big Boo [13] Dry Bones [14] Greaper [15] Sparky [16] Chomp [17] Pandorite [18] Shy Ranger [19] Bob-Omb [1A] Spookum [1B] Hammer Bro [1C] Buzzer [1D] Ameboid [1E] Gecko [1F] Wiggler [20] Crusty [21] Magikoopa [22] Leuko [23] Jawful [24] Enigma [25] Blaster [26] Guerrilla [27] Baba Yaga [28] Hobgoblin [29] Reacher [2A] Shogun [2B] Orb User [2C] Heavy Troopa [2D] Shadow [2E] Cluster [2F] Bahamutt [30] Octolot [31] Frogog [32] Clerk [33] Gunyolk [34] Boomer [35] Remo Con [36] Snapdragon [37] Stumpet [38] Dodo (2nd time) [39] Jester [3A] Artichoker [3B] Arachne [3C] Carroboscis [3D] Hippopo [3E] Mastadoom [3F] Corkpedite [40] Terra Cotta [41] Spikester [42] Malakoopa [43] Pounder [44] Poundette [45] Sackit [46] Gu Goomba [47] Chewy [48] Fireball [49] Mr.Kipper [4A] Factory Chief [4B] Bandana Blue [4C] Manager [4D] Bluebird [4E] __nothing [4F] Alley Rat [50] Chow [51] Magmus [52] Li~L Boo [53] Vomer [54] Glum Reaper [55] Pyrosphere [56] Chomp Chomp [57] Hidon [58] Sling Shy [59] Rob-Omb [5A] Shy Guy [5B] Ninja [5C] Stinger [5D] Goombette [5E] Geckit [5F] Jabit [60] Star Cruster [61] Merlin [62] Muckle [63] Forkies [64] Gorgon [65] Big Bertha [66] Chained Kong [67] Fautso [68] Straw Head [69] Juju [6A] Armored Ant [6B] Orbison [6C] Tub-O-Troopa [6D] Doppel [6E] Pulsar [6F] __purple Bahamutt [70] Octovader [71] Ribbite [72] Director [73] __Gunyolk (yellow) [74] __Boomer (blue) [75] Puppox [76] Fink Flower [77] Lumbler [78] Springer [79] Harlequin [7A] Kriffid [7B] Spinthra [7C] Radish [7D] Crippo [7E] Mastablasta [7F] Pile Driver [80] Apprentice [81] __nothing [82] __nothing [83] __nothing [84] __Geno redemption [85] __little bird [86] Box Boy [87] Shelly [88] Super Spike [89] Dodo (1st time) [8A] Oerlikon [8B] Chester [8C] Body [8D] __Pile Driver (body) [8E] Torte [8F] Shy Away [90] Jinx Clone [91] Machine Made (Shyster) [92] Machine Made (Drill Bit) [93] Formless [94] Mokura [95] Fire Crystal [96] Water Crystal [97] Earth Crystal [98] Wind Crystal [99] Mario Clone [9A] Toadstool 2 [9B] Bowser Clone [9C] Geno Clone [9D] Mallow Clone [9E] Shyster [9F] Kinklink [A0] __Toadstool (captive) [A1] Hangin~ Shy [A2] Smelter [A3] Machine Made (Mack) [A4] Machine Made (Bowyer) [A5] Machine Made (Yaridovich) [A6] Machine Made (Axem Pink) [A7] Machine Made (Axem Black) [A8] Machine Made (Axem Red) [A9] Machine Made (Axem Yellow) [AA] Machine Made (Axem Green) [AB] Goomba (Intro) [AC] Hammer Bro (Intro) [AD] Birdo (Intro) [AE] Bb-Bomb [AF] Magidragon [B0] Starslap [B1] Mukumuku [B2] Zeostar [B3] Jagger [B4] Chompweed [B5] Smithy (Tank Head) [B6] Smithy (Box Head) [B7] __Corkpedite [B8] Microbomb [B9] __Thwomp [BA] Grit [BB] Neosquid [BC] Yaridovich (mirage) [BD] Helio [BE] Right Eye [BF] Left Eye [C0] Knife Guy [C1] Grate Guy [C2] Bundt [C3] Jinx (1st time) [C4] Jinx (2nd time) [C5] Count Down [C6] Ding-A-Ling [C7] Belome (1st time) [C8] Belome (2nd time) [C9] __Belome [CA] Smilax [CB] Thrax [CC] Megasmilax [CD] Birdo [CE] Eggbert [CF] Axem Yellow [D0] Punchinello [D1] Tentacles (right) [D2] Axem Red [D3] Axem Green [D4] King Bomb [D5] Mezzo Bomb [D6] __Bundt object [D7] Raspberry [D8] King Calamari [D9] Tentacles (left) [DA] Jinx (3rd time) [DB] Zombone [DC] Czar Dragon [DD] Cloaker (1st time) [DE] Domino (1st time) [DF] Mad Adder [E0] Mack [E1] Bodyguard [E2] Yaridovich [E3] Drill Bit [E4] Axem Pink [E5] Axem Black [E6] Bowyer [E7] Aero [E8] __Exor (mouth) [E9] Exor [EA] Smithy (1st Form) [EB] Shyper [EC] Smithy (Body) [ED] Smithy (Head) [EE] Smithy (Magic Head) [EF] Smithy (Chest Head) [F0] Croco (1st time) [F1] Croco (2nd time) [F2] __Croco [F3] Earth Link [F4] Bowser [F5] Axem Rangers [F6] Booster [F7] Booster [F8] Snifit [F9] Johnny [FA] Johnny (vs Mario) [FB] Valentina [FC] Cloaker (2nd time) [FD] Domino (2nd time) [FE] Candle [FF] Culex ================================================= [MUSIC] [Byte] Song [00] Silence [01] Dodo's Coming [02] Mushroom Kingdom [03] Fight Against Stronger Monster [04] Yo'ster Island [05] Seaside Town [06] Fight Against Monsters [07] Pipe Vault [08] Invincible Star [09] Victory [0A] In The Flower Garden [0B] Bowser's Castle (1st time) [0C] Fight Against Bowser [0D] Road Is Full Of Dangers [0E] Mario's Pad [0F] Here's Some Weapons [10] Let's Race [11] Tadpole Pond [12] Rose Town [13] Race Training [14] Shock! [15] Sad Song [16] Midas River [17] Got A Star Piece (part 1) [18] Got A Star Piece (part 2) [19] Fight Against An Armed Boss [1A] Forest Maze [1B] Dungeon Is Full Of Monsters [1C] Let's Play Geno [1D] Start Slot Menu [1E] Long Long Ago [1F] Booster's Tower [20] And My Name's Booster [21] Moleville [22] Star Hill [23] Mountain Railroad [24] Explanation [25] Booster Hill (start) [26] Booster Hill [27] Marrymore [28] New Partner [29] Sunken Ship [2A] Still The Road Is Full Of Monsters [2B] Silence [2C] Sea [2D] Heart Beating A Little Faster (part 1) [2E] Heart Beating A Little Faster (part 2) [2F] Grate Guy's Casino [30] Geno Awakens [31] Celebrational [32] Nimbus Land [33] Monstro Town [34] Toadofsky [35] Silence [36] Happy Adventure, Delighful Adventure [37] World Map [38] Factory [39] Sword Crashes And Stars Scatter [3A] Conversation With Culex [3B] Fight Against Culex [3C] Victory Against Culex [3D] Valentina [3E] Barrel Volcano [3F] Axem Rangers Drop In [40] The End [41] Gate [42] Bowser's Castle (2nd time) [43] Weapons Factory [44] Fight Against Smithy 1 [45] Fight Against Smithy 2 [46] Ending Part 1 [47] Ending Part 2 [48] Ending Part 3 [49] Ending Part 4 =================================================== Event Sound Effects [EVENTSOUND] [Byte] Sound Effect [00] nothing [01] menu select [02] menu cancel [03] menu scroll [04] jump [05] block switch [06] running water [07] rushing water [08] waterfall [09] green switch [0A] trampoline [0B] whoosh away [0C] dizziness [0D] coin [0E] flower [0F] night crickets [10] open door [11] open front gate [12] sudden stop [13] long fall [14] lighting bolt [15] rumbling [16] close door [17] helicopter [18] tapping feet [19] heel click [1A] laughing Bowser [1B] found an item [1C] pipe entrance [1D] alarm clock [1E] surprised monster [1F] spinning flower [20] underground warp [21] jumping/bouncing fish [22] squirm/writhe [23] running water [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [2A] [2B] pop up from water [2C] ghost float [2D] Goomba taunt [2E] crumbling noise [2F] snooze [30] minecart start [31] big shell hit [32] water droplet [33] moving yellow switch [34] deep bounce [35] bounce [36] goodnight [37] lose coins/coin fountain [38] shake head [39] finger snap [3A] insert [3B] hovering Frogfucius [3C] dynamite/bomb explosion [3D] deep uh-oh [3E] big yoshi talk [3F] yoshi talk [40] spinning copters [41] thwomp stomp [42] kick ball/shell [43] sword in keep [44] [45] [46] [47] mushroom cure [48] syrup cure [49] thwomp stomp [4A] Boosters train [4B] rocketing blast [4C] Boosters train horn [4D] exotic bird calls [4E] click [4F] [50] beeping [51] star [52] screeching stop [53] weird laugh [54] smoked [55] flower [56] big bounce [57] correct signal [58] wrong signal [59] lit fuse [5A] curtain [5B] tumbling boulders [5C] [5D] jump into water [5E] frog coin [5F] level up with star [60] swinging fist [61] engage in battle [62] [63] tapping feet [64] minecart ride [65] Terrapin attack [66] time running out [67] Toadstool crying [68] deep scraping [69] surprise [6A] off balance [6B] drum roll [6C] drum roll end [6D] big shell hit [6E] abstract music [6F] sleeping [70] draining water [71] open chamber door [72] [73] [74] [75] spinning monster [76] beckoning Tentacle [77] Czar Dragon roar [78] metal/bolt strike [79] Axem Ranger teleport [7A] [7B] chain/rumbling noise [7C] engine starting [7D] enter deep water [7E] emerge deep water [7F] light rattle [80] floating/hovering [81] baby yoshi [82] big baby yoshi [83] [84] honking horn [85] close hit door [86] swipe [87] impending blast [88] [89] [8A] [8B] [8C] [8D] [8E] [8F] metronome upbeat ding [90] click [91] blacksmith hammer strike [92] machine transform [93] click [94] surging electricity [95] casino secret passage [96] exit to world map [97] crash hit [98] slip hit [99] slot machines [9A] big squish [9B] post-credits Mario theme whistle [9C] Link fanfare [9D] descending fall [9E] hard land [9F] deep underground noise [A0] chomp [A1] ghost [A2] closing gate door ============================================== Battle Sound Effects [BATTLESOUND] [Byte] Sound Effect [01] select action/menu [02] cancel action/menu [03] move cursor [04] Mario's jump [05] birdie tweet [06] flower bonus/status up [07] error/incorrect answer [08] get dizzy [09] arrow sling [0A] punch [0B] swoosh/run away [0C] bomb explosion [0D] coin [0E] grab flower [0F] spike strike [10] bite [11] falling stars (electroshock?) [12] shell kick [13] Flame Wall [14] Aurora Flash [15] wing flaps [16] Electroshock shock [17] small laser? [18] [19] wing hit [1A] mine cart track scraping [1B] grab item/1-UP [1C] Flame [1D] Drain [1E] Fire Orb multiple orb hit [1F] Fire Orb background burn [20] Fire Orb finish [21] kick? [22] spike shot [23] Bombs Away power up [24] Snowy gathering snow [25] monster/item toss [26] hit by tossed item [27] claw strike [28] K-9 fang hit [29] Hammer Bro hammer hit [2A] Johnnys Skewer strike [2B] casting a spell [2C] Thunderbolt second strike [2D] HP Rain cloud [2E] bounce [2F] dry clunk [30] Marios punch [31] cymbal crash [32] tiny shell hit [33] Super Flame multiple orb hit [34] Finger Shot/Bullets [35] Thwomp hit ground [36] hammer hit from Hammer Time [37] Marios hammer hit [38] super/ultra jump 1-UP sound [39] Water Blast spout? [3A] Marios shell kick up [3B] Marios shell kick forward [3C] cymbal resonance [3D] use item [3E] monster run away [3F] ignition from Geno Blast [40] egg hatch [41] Yoshi cant make cookie [42] Recover HP/MP [43] stars? [44] rain cloud [45] Geno power up [46] Geno Beam [47] drum roll (Psycopath/Roulette) [48] rain cloud appears [49] correct password [4A] quack? [4B] Yoshi talk [4C] Yoshi make item [4D] stat boost (Geno Boost) [4E] timed stat boost [4F] rumble [50] hit [51] hit [52] big hit [53] Dry Bones hit [54] big hit [55] Jinxs Triple Kick kick [56] long fall [57] Lazy Shell kick [58] ticking bomb [59] enemy defeated (common explosion) [5A] valor up? [5B] [5C] fall [5D] going inside something [5E] Mallows Shocker [5F] Bowsers Crusher? [60] Boulder [61] toss [62] click [63] Willy Wisp [64] Electroshock sparks [65] electricity? [66] Static E! [67] Crystal hits [68] Blizzard [69] Rock Candy [6A] Light Beam [6B] squeak then hit? [6C] howl [6D] bullet shot [6E] huge explosion [6F] Heavy Troopa land? [70] swing [71] shot [72] Spikey attack [73] hit [74] Terrapin hit [75] sting? [76] jolt? [77] Meteor Swarm/Snowy [78] deep swallow [79] big swing [7A] arrow shot? [7B] Chomp bite [7C] Goomba run forward [7D] spike shot [7E] big object bounces [7F] ??? [80] Lil Boo approaches [81] throw? [82] Valor Up/Vigor Up [83] Come Back summon star? [84] little beep [85] lullaby [86] hit [87] hit [88] Lil Boo approaches [89] heavy machine stomp [8A] Endobubble [8B] guitar string? [8C] Come Back star [8D] lullaby [8E] tongue noise? [8F] toss something [90] Lightning Orb [91] ??? [92] slap [93] [94] finger shot/arm cannon [95] enemy jumps high [96] enemy taunts then hits [97] spores [98] hit [99] deep weird voice [9A] buzzing bee [9B] Sparky hit [9C] Chomp bite [9D] weird enemy hit [9E] tongue swing? [9F] big deep hit [A0] wing slap [B0] fade-out [BC] Petal Blast [BD] ??? [BE] Come Back [BF] monster call [C0] big shell kick [C1] big shell hit 1 [C2] big shell hit 2 [C3] explosive attack [C4] hovering attack [C5] smash [C6] Ice Rock [C7] Arrow Rain [C8] Spear Rain [C9] Sword Rain [CA] Corona 1 [CB] Corona 2 [CC] chomping [CD] Jinxed [CE] monster swing [CF] monster taunt [D0] Smithy Form 1 - light up [D1] Smithy Form 1 - transform [D2] Booster Express train horn ========================================= [SPELLS] [Byte] Spell [00] @Jump [01] @Fire Orb [02] @Super Jump [03] @Super Flame [04] @Ultra Jump [05] @Ultra Flame [06] @Therapy [07] @Group Hug [08] @Sleepy Time [09] @Come Back [0A] @Mute [0B] @Psych Bomb [0C] @Terrorize [0D] @Poison Gas [0E] @Crusher [0F] @Bowser Crush [10] @Geno Beam [11] @Geno Boost [12] @Geno Whirl [13] @Geno Blast [14] @Geno Flash [15] @Thunderbolt [16] @HP Rain [17] @Psychopath [18] @Shocker [19] @Snowy [1A] @Star Rain [1B] Dummy [1C] Dummy [1D] Dummy [1E] Dummy [1F] Dummy [20] Dummy [21] Dummy [22] Dummy [23] Dummy [24] Dummy [25] Dummy [26] Dummy [27] Dummy [28] Dummy [29] Dummy [2A] Dummy [2B] Dummy [2C] Dummy [2D] Dummy [2E] Dummy [2F] Dummy [30] Dummy [31] Dummy [32] Dummy [33] Dummy [34] Dummy [35] Dummy [36] Dummy [37] Dummy [38] Dummy [39] Dummy [3A] Dummy [3B] Dummy [3C] Dummy [3D] Dummy [3E] Dummy [3F] Dummy [40] Drain [41] Lightning Orb [42] Flame [43] Bolt [44] Crystal [45] Flame Stone [46] Mega Drain [47] Willy Wisp [48] Diamond Saw [49] Electroshock [4A] Blast [4B] Storm [4C] Ice Rock [4D] Escape [4E] Dark Star [4F] Recover [50] Mega Recover [51] Flame Wall [52] Static E! [53] Sand Storm [54] Blizzard [55] Drain Beam [56] Meteor Blast [57] Light Beam [58] Water Blast [59] Solidify [5A] Petal Blast [5B] Aurora Flash [5C] Boulder [5D] Corona [5E] Meteor Swarm [5F] Knock Out [60] Weird Mushroom [61] Breaker Beam [62] Shredder [63] Sledge [64] Sword Rain [65] Spear Rain [66] Arrow Rain [67] Big Bang [68] Dummy (S'crow) [69] Dummy (Fear) [6A] Dummy (Mute) [6B] Dummy (Poison) [6C] Chain Saw [6D] Dummy [6E] Dummy [6F] Dummy [70] Dummy [71] Dummy [72] Dummy [73] Dummy [74] Dummy [75] Dummy [76] Dummy [77] Dummy [78] Dummy [79] Dummy [7A] Dummy [7B] Dummy [7C] Dummy [7D] Dummy [7E] Dummy [7F] Dummy ============================================= World [MAP] Bytes [Byte] Map [00] Bowser's Keep, Vista Hill [01] Mario's Pad, Mushroom Kingdom [02] Pond, Rose Town, Forest [03] Moleville, Booster Tower, Marrymore [04] Seaside Town, Sea, Ship [05] Land's End, Monstro Town, Bean Valley [06] Land's End, Monstro Town, Bean Valley [07] Nimbus Land, Volcano [08] Yo'ster Isle ============================================== World [MAPPOINT] Bytes [Byte] Map Point [00] To Mario's Pad (before) [01] Bowser's Keep (before) [02] To Mario's Pad [03] Vista Hill [04] Bowser's Keep [05] Gate [06] To Nimbus Land [07] To Bowser's Keep [08] Mario's Pad [09] Mushroom Way [0A] Mushroom Kingdom [0B] Bandit's Way [0C] Kero Sewers [0D] To Mushroom Kingdom [0E] Kero Sewers [0F] Midas River [10] Tadpole Pond [11] Rose Way [12] Rose Town [13] Forest Maze [14] Pipe Vault [15] To Yo'ster Isle [16] To Moleville [17] To Pipe Vault [18] Moleville [19] Booster Pass [1A] Booster Tower [1B] Booster Hill [1C] Marrymore [1D] To Star Hill [1E] To Marrymore [1F] Star Hill [20] Seaside Town [21] Sea [22] Sunken Ship [23] To Land's End [24] To Seaside Town [25] Land's End [26] Monstro Town [27] Bean Valley [28] Grate Guy's Casino [29] To Nimbus Land [2A] To Seaside Town [2B] Land's End [2C] Monstro Town [2D] Bean Valley [2E] Grate Guy's Casino [2F] To Nimbus Land [30] To Bean Valley [31] Nimbus Land [32] Barrel Volcano [33] To Bowser's Keep [34] Yo'ster Isle [35] To Pipe Vault [36] Coal Mines (Bowser's Keep) [37] Factory (Bowser's Keep) =========================================== World [MAPAREA] Bytes [Byte] Area [00] Bowser's Keep (talk to Exor) [01] Mario's Pad [02] Mushroom Way [03] Mushroom Kingdom [04] Bandit's Way [05] Kero Sewers [06] Midas River [07] Tadpole Pond [08] Pipe Vault [09] Rose Way [0A] Rose Town [0B] Forest Maze [0C] Yo'ster Island [0D] Moleville [0E] Booster Pass [0F] Booster Tower [10] Marrymore [11] Star Hill [12] Seaside Town [13] Sea [14] Sunken Ship [15] Land's End [16] Monstro Town [17] Bean Valley [18] Nimbus Land [19] Barrel Volcano [1A] Vista Hill [1B] Booster Hill [1C] Bowser's Keep (2nd time) [1D] Gate [1E] Grate Guy's Casino [1F] Debug Room ===================================================== Credits [DOCCREDITS] All data written by giangurgolo, reformatted by hippiejake. All original documents can be found at Peace, bitches.